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SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis

Table of Contents
Volume 25, Issue 6, pp. 1463-1655

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A Remark on the Stability of Viscous Shock Waves

Jonathan Goodman, Anders Szepessy, and Kevin Zumbrun

pp. 1463-1467

Interface Problems in Viscoplasticity and Plasticity

Carsten Carstensen

pp. 1468-1487

Finite Energy Solutions of Nonlinear Schrödinger Equations of Derivative Type

Nakao Hayashi and Tohru Ozawa

pp. 1488-1503

Phaselocking in a Reaction-Diffusion Equation with Twist

G. Bard Ermentrout and W. C. Troy

pp. 1504-1520

Singular Perturbations and the Coupled/Quasi-Static Approximation in Linear Thermoelasticity

B. F. Esham and R. J. Weinacht

pp. 1521-1536

Error Bounds for Asymptotic Expansions of Laplace Convolutions

X. Li and R. Wong

pp. 1537-1553

Multiple Solutions for a Nonlinear Dirichlet Problem

Alfonso Castro and Jorge Cossio

pp. 1554-1561

Explicit Heat Kernel on Generalized Cones

Hendrik W. K. Angad-Gaur, Bernard Gaveau, and Masami Okada

pp. 1562-1576

Analytical and Numerical Solutions for a Class of Nonlocal Nonlinear Parabolic Differential Equations

Yanping Lin

pp. 1577-1594

Monodromy Representations of Systems of Differential Equations Free from Accessory Parameters

Yoshishige Haraoka

pp. 1595-1621

Smoothing Effects for Dispersive Equations via a Generalized Wigner Transform

Thierry Colin

pp. 1622-1641

Characterization of the Smoothest Interpolant

Borislav Bojanov

pp. 1642-1655